Greater Guyana Initiative

Project Name

Literacy Learning Programme (LLP) – Bartica

Project Details

Project Name: Literacy Learning Programme (LLP) – Bartica

Partner: Project New Nation

Target Beneficiaries: Students with learning challenges in Bartica and surrounding Indigenous communities

Region: 7

Duration: August 2024 – June 2026

Purpose: To enhance literacy competencies, basic mathematics knowledge, and skills essential for the day-to-day life of students with learning challenges.


Since its implementation in March 2024, the Literacy Learning Programme sought to:

  1. Improve literacy, language and communication capacity of students enrolled in the Literacy Programme.
  2. Bring children in the programme on par with or exceed peers in literacy, motivation to learn, classroom behaviour and involvement in classroom activities.
  3. Improve understanding of basic oral and written instructions in English, e.g., reading a teacher’s note, and displaying basic skills necessary for daily interactions.

Anticipated Impacts:

  1. Increased reading and writing proficiency among children in Bartica and surrounding indigenous communities.
  2. Enhanced comprehension and other life skills.
  3. Reduced school dropout and delinquency rates in Bartica and surrounding indigenous communities.

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