Greater Guyana Initiative

Project Name

Agriculture and Innovation Entrepreneurship Programmes

Project Details

Project Name:  Agriculture and Innovation Entrepreneurship Programmes

Partner: Government of Guyana 

Implementing Agency: The Ministry of Agriculture 

GGI Priority Area: Economic Diversification – SMART ‘Hydroponic’ Agriculture

Target Beneficiaries: National 

Regions: 2, 5 and 10

Duration: May 2024 to May 2025

Purpose: Development of a sustainable and climate-resilient farming model to accelerate food production and strengthen the country’s food security status.


Since its implementation, the Agriculture and Innovation Entrepreneurship Project has sought to: 

  1. Establish three fully functional Hydroponic Farms in regions 2, 5 and 10.
  1. Strengthen the Ministry of Agriculture’s innovation and extension system.
  1. Train 300 men and women in climate-resilient agriculture (hydroponic, shaded cultivation).
  1. Employ over 100 in regions 2, 5 and 10.

Anticipated Impacts: 

  1. Increase production of leafy vegetables and herbs. 
  1. Support Guyana’s ability to achieve its 25% by 2025 objective.
  1. Strengthen the Ministry of Agriculture’s ability to provide efficient and effective services. 
  1. Utilise smart techniques to enhance agriculture production and increase efficiency.
  1. Increase youth employment in agriculture. 
  1. Increase farmers’ willingness to incorporate the Hydroponics method in their operations.

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